Woba increased Group Logistics’ employee well-being by 300%

Readint time: 3 min.

Pernille Ristorp Sørensen is HR-Business Partner at Group Logistic (hverdag.dk) and in 2020 entered into collaboration with Woba to acquire a dynamic and more realtime picture of employee engagement.

Pernille, Group Logistic, hverdag.dk

(Pernille Ristorp Sørensen, HR Business Partner, Group Logistic (hverdag.dk))


A realization that employee well-being and engagement are the key words in the fight against ’The Great Resignation’ – which counts a significant increase in sick leave and resignations, made Pernille choose Woba back in 2020.

Group Logistic actually had a fairly well-functioning working environment at the time, but after realizing the need to get a more realtime picture of the employees’ well-being and prioritizing the close feeling with the internal atmosphere, Pernille saw a need to learn more about the company’s working environment and not least to prevent any problems and dissatisfaction.


We are a company that cares enormously about the well-being of our employees, and before Woba we had an online mailbox where employees could sign in with a stone in their shoe. And when we came across Woba, we thought it could help us create a culture where employees also remembered to report it if they had something.


In order to clarify a valid starting point for the well-being and commitment as a whole, Pernille decided in consultation with Woba that they should start the collaboration with ongoing pulsing engagement surveys – in order to ’take the pulse’ and get a solid, quick insight into the situation.

After some time with continuous pulse surveys, it was followed up with the implementation of the statutory workplace assessment.

The problems became clear

At the first pulse survey with Woba in February 2021 looked like this:

The visualization is taken directly from Woba’s platform and the numbers shown are an expression of an amalgamation of the employees’ answers – which can ultimately be on a score between 1 and 4. Of which 4 is top grade for well-being.

Woba is dynamic monitoring – and assesses all responses with a specific color code.

The green numbers show a fine and acceptable engagement. The yellow fields are an indication that it is not quite good – and that the company needs to pay attention.

And the red ones are of course an expression that there is a problem or danger of a problem, and that a specific action plan is necessary to meet and deal with the specific problem.

At Group Logistic, a ’red flag’ can be seen in relation to the immediate management and well-being in general.

Pernille therefore chose to run monthly pulse surveys – to keep a sharp eye on the employees’ well-being.

In March, there were no red numbers, which was great, but Pernille’s daily desire for insight into the employees’ well-being meant that she chose to stick to the monthly pulse measurements. Which is also clearly the approach we recommend from Woba’s side

In July and August, some specific problems in one department began to stir – and Pernille kept a sharp eye on the development.

In fact, the satisfaction score with the immediate supervisor was only 1.1 in July.

The result spoke for itself.

And Pernille localized the problem.

This led to thorough HR work, where Pernille tackled the problem ’by it’s roots’:


“I started to see a downward trend. Therefore, with the help of Woba’s material, I prepared a concrete interview guide and started holding individual interviews with all employees… Through this, we became aware that there was a problem with the department manager in question.”


And she continues:

The closest leader goes from having a score of 4 in February, where it fluctuates more and more negatively towards August, when interviews are done. And then we will take specific action in mid-September…

And by ’specific action’, Pernille means that they simply chose to dismiss the manager in question.

It was immediately a drastic decision, but nevertheless the right one.

Because the following month looked like this:

This shows a significant improvement in well-being. And it is clear that there is now a markedly greater satisfaction with the newly appointed head of department.

Group Logistic actually saw a whopping 300% increase in satisfaction after the handling.

So, what can we conclude?

Yes, then – first of all the obvious. That Group Logistic was able to locate the specific problem in connection with employee dissatisfaction. And if you as a company have first located and mapped it, then the most important knowledge is in place and from here it is just a matter of drawing up action plans that deal with the problem. But there is far more to it than that. Because this thorough (and indispensable) engagement work that Pernille, together with Woba, has put in place, also brings many other positive things.


Dynamic measurements provide opportunities!

It might speak for itself.
But nevertheless, up until now they have only worked reactively under the auspices of HR.

A survey has been done. Typically a Health and Safety Assessment every three years. Collected the results, analyzed them and implemented action plans from there. Typically a process that has had a duration of 6-12 months.

Which results in a hopelessly outdated scenario.

With dynamic measurements, it is suddenly possible to act PROACTIVELY on the issues – and thereby deal with them BEFORE they end up in sick leave or resignations.

In addition, the color codes and the system’s intelligent way of warning about problems are an important tool in working with well-being. In this way, you are always informed and can manage to take the necessary precautions – before the company has to face the horribly large costs associated with employee loss.


Employees feel heard

Perhaps in fact the most important parameter in this case.

Because if Pernille had not chosen the monthly, anonymous pulse measurements, the problem might not have become apparent – so quickly. Because how many openly want to complain about the boss? It can be something so borderline and uncomfortable to have to say one’s frustrations out loud.


Because how will the top management actually react? Will my manager be notified? Will I be fired?


Many thoughts can come to mind – even if both company and management work purposefully with engagement and the working environment – as Group Logistic already did. There can really be many reasons why it is not an easy task when the immediate manager does not act appropriately and live up to the employees’ expectations.

The employee engagement measurement will in itself give the employee a feeling of having an important influence.

What can now even more shake the employee’s feeling of being valued and important in the workplace is the moment that the results are taken seriously by the management – and that real action is taken on the problems.

Pernille and Group Logistic clearly show in this case how much the employees are valued and taken seriously in this company. That will undoubtedly increase well-being. And not least give the employees the courage to also be honest in the future about any problems. For a specific action initiative like this shows that there is a great deal of respect and trust from the management towards the employees – and that the employees can expect nothing less than respect and trust when they report dissatisfaction.

It gives peace of mind – and creates basic well-being in the workplace.

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Malene Madsen
CEO & Co-founder

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