STEP Transport is one step ahead with Woba

Read time: 3 min.

Happy and satisfied customers – that’s our drive’.

– This is how STEP Transport begins the cover text on their website. And it is not a completely random motto. For CEO Stephanie Ørnfeldt and the company have, over the past 12 years, positioned themselves as one of the country’s leading transport companies. And it’s no accident either.

For STEP Transport, it takes its task seriously and puts the customers first, which gives the company a wealth of happy and satisfied customers.

But, it’s not just the customers…

However, it is not only the customers that STEP Transport puts first on the priority list.

Stephanie Ørnfeldt and STEP Transport have calculated what is first and foremost needed for:

  • To create a growing company
  • To have happy and satisfied customers
  • To create the best branding and employer branding

And it’s… (drumroll!) … prioritized, strategic and preventive focus on employee well-being and job satisfaction.


As Stephanie Ørnfeldt says:


We, STEP Transport, have just started step 2 of an ambitious growth strategy, which is why we are fully aware that the most important factor in successfully delivering on the strategy – is an organization that has the desire and ability to win.


And the desire and ability to win, which Stephanie mentions here, is inextricably linked to well-being. Because if you take good care of it and work rigorously, preventively and strategically with it, efficiency, commitment and loyalty will increase significantly.

One step ahead – with Woba

At STEP Transport, they want to be ’One step ahead’. And in relation to the implementation of their new growth strategy, Stephanie Ørnfeldt also knows well how to secure the absolute best prerequisites to be one step ahead and reach the goal:


… That is why we have allied ourselves with – which provides an effective, digital HR platform that provides Step Transport with valuable data, knowledge and targeted tools to optimize our working environment and the well-being of our employees. In this way, we give ourselves the best conditions to retain and motivate our employees in a sustainable healthy working environment.


Stephanie hits the pin on the needle here. Because if the well-being, efficiency and job satisfaction of the employees is to be ensured, you as a company must work preventively (and be one step ahead) with various risks and problems.

Woba & STEP Transport


Woba brings you more than ’one step ahead’

And here we are exactly where Woba differentiates itself from other smart online systems within HR and well-being. Woba is an ’all-in-one’ solution where all types of measurements are gathered in one platform. And when we say all measurements, we mean it. This applies to the workplace assessment, engagement surveys, pulse measurements, eNPS, MUS, Whistleblower, Onboarding, Exit etc. You will get direct access to a detailed Risk Map, where all the specific risk areas will become clear – and ready to be handled. But not only that. Your Risk Map is followed up by concrete recommendations for action plans, all of which are built on the recognized IGLO model within work and organizational psychology.

So you get direct insight in real time – AND you get specific guidance on what to do with the specific risk areas. And what does that mean? This means that you and the company can work preventively, strategically and effectively with employee well-being – and steer clear of dissatisfaction, sick leave and resignations.  All the heavy parameters that create insecurity, unforeseen problems and, not least, make a big dent in the company’s financial bottom line.

Therefore, collect all surveys at Woba and get the ultimate, strategic Retention tool to ensure happy and satisfied employees… – exactly as Stephanie and STEP Transport so successfully do.

Learn more about Woba’s employee retention platform >> BOOK A DEMO <<

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Merkur Cooperative Bank Strengthens Well-being by 13% in Just One Year with Woba

Merkur Cooperative Bank, Denmark’s leading values-based financial institution, has enhanced diversity and well-being in the workplace with the assistance of Discover how Merkur utilized Woba’s platform and guidance to achieve impressive results in the work environment.


Challenge: Diversity and Inclusion at the Organizational Level

Merkur Cooperative Bank has a central goal: to create a workplace characterized by diversity, inclusivity, and equality. They aimed to establish an attractive workplace that could attract new talents while fostering happier and more engaged employees. Employees were to feel that everyone is treated fairly, irrespective of gender, age, ethnic background, sexual orientation, or other differences. Simultaneously, it was crucial for them that diversity and inclusion initiatives were not merely a management focus but were also palpable throughout the organization.


Solution: Valuable Insights to Measure, Understand, and Act

Merkur Cooperative Bank implemented Woba’s platform for their annual well-being assessments and mandatory workplace assessments (APV). With Woba, they acquired the right tools to measure and gain direct insights from employees to understand the diversity in the work environment.

Merkur was particularly pleased with the opportunity to combine quantitative and qualitative insights in their surveys. This not only provided an overall picture of general well-being but also allowed for a deeper understanding by analyzing comments from individual employees.

Lastly, Woba made it easy for them to translate all the collected feedback from employees into concrete action plans in areas where improvement was needed, both at the organizational and departmental levels.

The platform is intuitive and easy to handle. I have especially been very pleased with the automatic presentation and risk map,” says Katrine Rosengren Norup, HR Manager at Merkur Cooperative Bank.

Energi Viborg increases response rate and well-being with Woba

Energi Viborg is committed to promoting well-being within their organization and collaborates closely with Woba to achieve this goal.


We prioritize well-being at Energi Viborg,” says Dorte Danielsen, Executive Secretary/HR at Energi Viborg.


Together with Kira, their Customer Success Manager from Woba, we have explored how Energi Viborg has adapted the Woba platform to develop their own approach to well-being work with the aim of increasing response rates and enhancing employee well-being using Woba.


The Challenge: A declining response rate to well-being surveys

At Energi Viborg, they used to conduct well-being surveys every other week, asking 5 questions based on the WHO-5 well-being index. However, they faced a challenge as the response rate had dropped below 50%. There was a need for a system that could delve deeper into work-related well-being.

Through collaboration between management, union representatives, and occupational health and safety representatives, it was decided that they needed a system where they could formulate their own questions, customize them for departments, and allow for comments to be added to each question. This led them to choose Woba, which met their needs.


Everything aligned perfectly with our desire to prioritize well-being and not just rely on an annual well-being survey,” Dorte says about the choice of Woba.

Mask grou2
Malene Madsen
CEO & Co-founder

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