We want to create a better world to work in

More than 40% of employees are considering to quit their job because of a toxic and stressfull work environment. But imagine a world where you could predict and prevent staff turnover before it happens?

The old way

It is time to rethink how we work with employee surveys

For too many years employee engagement, eNPS, Health & Safety surveys have been a goal in itself to complete.

Pulse surveys have run several times a week with the same questions with no impact on what really matters for the employees.

On the other hand it has resulted in more work-related stress, absenteeism and higher staff turnover rates because HR and managers have not had the system to follow-up.

Change is needed! That’s why we created Woba.

Trusted by the world’s best
places to work


The first solution to predict & prevent staff turnover

Imagine a world where you as HR, EHS or manager could use the feedback of your employees to prevent stress and turnover before it happens?

With Woba you can now look into the future with one click. Our game-changing AI algorithm converts your current people risks into actionable insights in real time – predicting what is likely to happen in future so actions can be taken immediately and improved at an early stage.


From employee feedback to ROI impact in one solution

Woba’s platform is based on “The Woba HR Impact Lifecycle,” which provides you with the best conditions for transforming your employee feedback into preventative actions and making a real impact that matters.

Step 1

Step 2
Employee feedback

Step 3
Predictive results

Step 4
Action recommendations

Step 5
HR ROI impact

Step 1


Step 2

Survey completed

Step 3

Results in real-time

Step 4

Action plan to prevent risks

Step 5

Impact measurement

Financial people risk forecast

Your financial impact is our KPI

For many years HR and managers have tried to prove to the CFO that employee well-being efforts are an investment – not an expense. Stop waisting energy and see your ROI in real-time

With our easy-to-use Financial Forecast System you are now able predict your staff turnover risk and to see a crystal-clear financial ROI on your implemented action plans in real-time

Science is our DNA

Woba was born the world of people science. Our platform embodies the latest advances in modern organizational psychology science with AI-driven technology

Our renowned team of people science experts work directly with the product team to continually update Woba’s content and methodology, ensuring their expertise is shared with all Woba

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