Onboarding & Exit surveys

Understand the entire employee lifecycle

Whether it’s the employee’s first few weeks or their last days at your company, use Woba’s easy-to-launch onboarding & Exit surveys to make sure that they are having a successful experience

Optimize the moments that matter for your employees

Your employees’ onboarding experience can have a big impact on their long-term engagement, satisfaction and retention.

Start right away with Wobas’s expert survey templates or build your custom surveys within few minutes.

Within few clicks you can start measuring, tracking, and acting on onboarding and exit survey feedback.

Act on onboarding & exit feedback to drive long-term retention

Get immediately actionable insights with cohort analysis and reporting in Woba’s management dashboard.

With Woba’s predictive analytics you can easierly see why your employees stay and the reasons behind their exit

Woba’s automatically suggest HR and managers how and where to take action to drive long-term engagement and retention


From employee feedback to ROI impact in one solution

Woba’s platform is based on “The Woba HR Impact Lifecycle,” which provides you with the best conditions for transforming your employee feedback into preventative actions and making a real impact that matters.

Step 1

Step 2
Employee feedback

Step 3
Predictive results

Step 4
Action recommendations

Step 5
HR ROI impact

Step 1


Step 2

Survey completed

Step 3

Results in real-time

Step 4

Action plan to prevent risks

Step 5

Impact measurement

See the ROI impact in real-time

What is the financial impact of your people-driven actions? Stop guessing with Woba’s Financial Forecast System.

With our easy-to-use Financial Forecast System you are now able to see your ROI on your implemented people-driven action plans in real-time.

Carsten Dong

CEO, Lars Christensen, Willis Towers Watson DK

“A high level of employee well-being is one of the most important success criteria in any company, and therefore it is crucial that the management has a good overview of the areas in the company where there is a particular need to make an effort to overcome dissatisfaction.

With Woba, the company not only gets the overview and the insights, but also concrete recommendations for what can be done to increase the well-being.”

Not just data, but measurable impact

Improved health and well-being
0 %
reduction in absence rates
0 %
ROI in saved absence cost
0 %
Improved health and well-being
0 %
reduction in absence rates
0 %
ROI in saved absence cost
0 %

Helpful ressources from our blog

Get the latest news about how to ensure a successful onboarding and exit experience that foster long-term engagement and retention.