Employee engagement survey

Uncover the hidden drivers of engagement

Measure the pulse of your company culture with easy-to-set-up engagement surveys and use powerful insights to drive actions for improvement areas

Easy to get started

  • Easy to get started with 3 simple onboarding steps to create and send out your employee engagement survey.

  • Your employees can answer seamlessly anytime and anywhere from our mobile app.
  • Employees get instant personalized results as well as scientifically based tools on how to improve their risk areas based on their answers

Turn insights into employee engagement and retention

Implement action plans and measure the impact with a continuous, real-time understanding of employee engagement.

With Woba it is easy to transform employee feedback into direct impact.

Our Management Dashboard shows the results in real-time which enables you to identify improvement areas with a few clicks.

Our intelligent action plan tracker connects your engagement results with science-based recommendations so you can take action immediately


From employee feedback to ROI impact in one solution

Woba’s platform is based on “The Woba HR Impact Lifecycle,” which provides you with the best conditions for transforming your employee feedback into preventative actions and making a real impact that matters.

Step 1

Step 2
Employee feedback

Step 3
Predictive results

Step 4
Action recommendations

Step 5
HR ROI impact

Step 1


Step 2

Survey completed

Step 3

Results in real-time

Step 4

Action plan to prevent risks

Step 5

Impact measurement

See a crystal-clear ROI of your people actions

What is the financial impact of your implemented actions? Now you can stop guessing because Woba’s Financial forecast module is born.

With our easy to use Financial Forecast System you are now able to predict and see the ROI on your implemented employee-driven action plans in real-time.

Carsten Dong

Quality Assurance manager, DSV Road

“Unlike traditional surveys, Woba translates employee feedback into real-time results, enabling us to predict and act on the risk of sickness absence and staff turnover before the damage occurs. In other words, Woba helps us see where and how to invest our time and resources”

Not just data, but measurable impact

Improved health and well-being
0 %
reduction in absence rates
0 %
ROI in saved absence cost
0 %
Improved health and well-being
0 %
reduction in absence rates
0 %
ROI in saved absence cost
0 %

Helpful ressources from our blog

Read the latest news from our blog about how to use the employee engagement survey to drive long-term retention and much more