1:1 Talent Management

Employee development drives retention and business results

Woba’s easy-to-launch employee development solution empowers your employees to plan a future with you.

Empower your employees to define their own career path

Make expectations and career opportunities crystal-clear to keep your employees engaged and committed to stay

Empower your employees to drive their own career growth. Our easy-to-launch Individual Development Plans help employees achieve meaningful, continuous development from day one.

Transform managers into people growth champions

Our employee development survey templates and action plan tool transform your managers into career growth coaches for their employees – making sure they can lead with success

  • Start right away with Wobas expert employee development survey template or build your own within few minutes.

  • Set crystal-clear development goals and track performance over time in our Action Plan Tracker

  • Give instant feedback by our chat and dialogue system. Woba offers conversation guides and tools to ensure best in class career development


From employee feedback to ROI impact in one solution

Woba’s platform is based on “The Woba HR Impact Lifecycle,” which provides you with the best conditions for transforming your employee feedback into preventative actions and making a real impact that matters.

Step 1

Step 2
Employee feedback

Step 3
Predictive results

Step 4
Action recommendations

Step 5
HR ROI impact

Step 1


Step 2

Survey completed

Step 3

Results in real-time

Step 4

Action plan to prevent risks

Step 5

Impact measurement

See the ROI on your people development

Employee career development drives retention and thereby a significant financial impact. That is a fact.

But with our easy to use Financial Forecast System you are now able to see your ROI on your implemented people development plans in real-time.

Book a demo and let us show your ROI using Woba

Carsten Dong

Quality Assurance manager, DSV Road

“Unlike traditional surveys, Woba translates employee feedback into real-time results, enabling us to predict and act on the risk of sickness absence and staff turnover before the damage occurs. In other words, Woba helps us see where and how to invest our time and resources.”

Not just data, but measurable impact

Improved health and well-being
0 %
reduction in absence rates
0 %
ROI in saved absence cost
0 %
Improved health and well-being
0 %
reduction in absence rates
0 %
ROI in saved absence cost
0 %

Helpful ressources from our blog

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