Make your business attractive with one question – what is eNPS?

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How likely is it that you would recommend your workplace to others?

Boom! You don’t really need more questions if you want to brand your company and ensure that it appears attractive to both your current employees and your future ones.

Okay, but how does it work?

The Employee Net Promoter Score is your absolute best gauge for two things:

  • The well-being of your current employees
  • How attractive your company is to the outside – especially for recruitment purposes.


When you ask your employees about the eNPS question: “How likely is it that you would recommend your workplace to others?” and asks for a rating on a scale of 0 – 5 (can also be 0-10). Well, then you will get a snapshot of what the company’s well-being and job satisfaction actually look like. The result of your eNPS survey will translate into a clear picture of how many of your employees are Ambassadors (promoters), Neutrals (passives) or Detractors.


Your Ambassadors (promoters) are your happy employees who are more than happy to recommend the company as a place to work. You can say that your Ambassadors are in good health and not in any risk group for having to resign for the time being or go to bed with a longer stress-related sick leave. They want to be at the forefront to tell the world that your company is a fantastic workplace and it goes without saying – that this group is incredibly important for your company’s productivity, efficiency, working environment and, to the highest degree, also your branding.


The passive ones place themselves somewhere on the scale, where they are basically quite neutral in relation to your company as a workplace. They have given a score of 7 to 8 on the eNPS scale, and you can perhaps describe them as ‘medium’ happy to work for you. So they are not quite up in the clouds and may only want to recommend the company to others. There is therefore a good probability that they will leave the company within the next few years.


If an employee answered from 0 to 6, he/she will be categorized as a Detractor. It goes without saying that it is not attractive for your company to have Detractors as part of the staff. Too many Detractors can quickly affect the entire working environment and branding in a less than appropriate way, as negativity can quickly permeate relationships and work motivation. But nevertheless, certainty is still the way forward. Because you are doing yourself a great favor by actually discovering these circumstances – and preferably in time, so that you can implement measures aimed at making your Detractors happier.

And that’s why the eNPS score is so damn important to the company as a whole.

The calculation of eNPS

To find the eNPS score, you take the percentage of Ambassadors and subtract the percentage of Detractors.

Ambassadors % – Detractors %

An eNPS can go from -100 to +100

0 – 20: Good (acceptable)

20 – 50: Really good

50 – 100: Great

Obviously, if you land on an eNPS score less than 0, then the work gloves need to be put on. Because then there is a real risk that the well-being of your employees is threatened – and you must act on this as soon as possible.

A not so great eNPS result. What do you do then?

If the result is not exactly ostentatious, we recommend that you start a definite well-being measurement – in order to precisely map out what exactly are the problems that result in a low eNPS. There can be many reasons. And you need to have insight into the specific problems in order to deal with them and prevent them from developing further. When you use to carry out your well-being measurements, you will automatically be made aware of the applicable ‘red flags’ and risk areas. And again, insight and certainty are an important step – but step 2 is actually even more important. Because, what are you going to do about it? At, specific recommendations for action are included in the process. This means that when the system identifies a risk, you will receive an ‘alarm’ together with a recommendation for action in relation to the specific risk. So, no. You don’t have to invent the deep dish and train yourself as an occupational health and safety expert. Because does all the work for you.

All recommendations for action measures found in have been chosen based on a valid research basis. And they are all designed based on the ‘IGLO’ model.

I – Individual
G – Group
L – Management
O – Organization

In this way, it is ensured that all the action measures that are implemented deal with the problem at all levels of the company.


And why is it important?

In the past, symptoms were treated when an employee reported being burnt out or on the verge of becoming stressed. Symptom treatment in such a way that the individual employee has been sent to a psychologist, coach or something else entirely. As such, it’s not a bad idea. But it is a bad solution if it is the only thing you do for a stress problem. Because stress at work can be prevented. It just requires that you invest early AND that you invest all the way around the company. This means that you choose action plans based on IGLO.

And can help you on both fronts – see how >> BOOK A DEMO <<


Regular measurements in the intuitive and dynamic platform will provide insight and data that can be acted upon – in time. At the same time, the specific action measures will be based on the ‘IGLO’ model. Engaged employees create better results And yes, good well-being and a good eNPS score are essential for your company. And this applies on many different fronts. Ultimately, it is a fact that engaged employees create better results. With commitment comes increased productivity, greater efficiency, lots of job satisfaction and far greater well-being. And as mentioned earlier, it is also really good for the company’s brand that the employees are happy and satisfied. Especially in these times, when ‘The Great Resignation’ has become so well established in the entire labor market, and where it has both become much more difficult to recruit new employees and to retain those who are already there.

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Louise Aarkrog
Head of Marketing & Communication

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